APRIL 2021
FOR HARD COPY, EMAIL: info@elizabethhannaford.com
FOR HARD COPY, EMAIL: info@elizabethhannaford.com
My Solo “GREEN WORLD BURNING (Broken World Series)” was due to open in June 2020 at the Westminster Reference Library WC2 (behind the National Portrait Gallery) but has been postponed until a later date due to Covid-19.
FOLLOW THE “GREEN WORLD BURNING” LINK on this website to read the essay by artist/critic JILLIAN KNIPE, written to accompany the solo
SCROLL DOWN for the poem written by renowned poet PATRICIA McCARTHY (Editor of Agenda Poetry Journal) in response to my painting “Ice Child” (about the melting ice cap). Both painting and poem feature in the solo.
“BEING WITH TREES”: 14 December 2020 - 10th January 2021 @ Bermondsey Project Space (opp White Cube) London SE1. Delighted that this group show now has some actual dates after being postponed in March due to Covid-19. Thrilled to have been invited by the Arborealists and Urban Contemporaries to take part. Studio shot below of my work made for the show, and view on line at: https://beingwithtrees.weebly.com
ONLINE ART PLATFORM: This is coming to the rescue of we artists at the moment, buzzing with virtual shows and openings. Initiatives too, such as the brilliant #artistssupportpledge, set up by @matthewburrowsstudio to help artists sell work during this difficult Covid_19 time. So far I’ve SOLD two small framed watercolours through this.
ICE CHILD, oil, grit on canvas 30x30x5cm
Painting by Elizabeth Hannaford, poem (in response) by Patricia McCarthy
What else can you be, child of our time -
except born and unborn in the ice
of a cap melting slowly,
greens and pinks of the northern lights
flowing through you instead of blood.
Cold, ice cold you are when, with too much
to feel, you find yourself up against
war, famine, mass shootings, knives:
with no trekking routes, no boats
over ice floes for rescue. I see you -
one eye closed against the intolerable,
the other squinting over sledge-prints
of Shackleton, Scott, North, South, picking -
off rock-like layers and levels of ice -
a husky’s stiffened hairs to wrap about you.
Stay without flesh, child of our time,
guarded, in that foetal position, by as many
degrees below zero as you can stand.
The price of skin is vulnerability,
alienation. Freeze dreams of gardens
in your soul, and a mother’s arms curved
into a sanctuary. Ignore the drip, drip
of water which kills off seals, polar bears -
and could kill you. May the silence
in your heart keep the song inside you.
Here’s a studio shot of the Trees series I made in early 2020 for the postponed “Being with Trees’ show @ Bermondsey Project Space. I was born on a Devonshire farm and nature has always informed my work. I climbed trees, drew trees and sat reading in their branches as a child. Later as an artist I have celebrated their existence in many of my landscape paintings. But our trees are now threatened - in London as well as worldwide. So I’m sadly finding that I can no longer celebrate them, even if I try. Instead, my paintings have become infused with anxiety for their future.
29th September - 1st December 2019 !
Thrilled have had two biggish paintings selected!
Here I am below on Varnishing Day with FLINT 2
4 paintings selected for BRITISH PAINTING II at the BERMONDSEY PROJECT SPACE (opp White Cube)
21 May - 15 June 2019
Come and join the party!
“BERMONDSEY PROJECT SPACE is a vibrant, not-for-profit arts platform based in London’s trending Bermondsey Street, opposite White Cube. It offers a flagship venue for both established and emerging artists.”
Loved the above hang of “BLOOM (FADED COSMIC)” and “BULLET” (below) at the Highgate Gallery’s Members’ show - Highgate Literaray & Scientific Institution , Pond Square, London N6
Evening Standard 22/2/19 (& Daily Mail/BBC) covered the launch of the PINK PLAQUE PROJECT at Highgate’s historic Lauderdale House, celebrating Highgate’s Remarkable Historic Women. I presented the artwork I made in collaboration with the NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM about the remarkable MARY KINGSLEY’s insect & fish specimens which she brought back to London from Africa in the 1890s - see below.
NB Our choice of the colour PINK was deliberately ironic. Perhaps unsurprisingly it became controversial!
Presenting my artwork about the fish and insect specimens that Mary Kingsley brought back to London in the 1890s (in collaboration with the Natural History Museum) at Lauderdale House London N6 23/2/19.
Delighted to have been invited to take part in this July show (Thrown/Highgate Contemporary Art , Highgate High Street, Highgate N6) to celebrate the anniversary of women's suffrage.
Delighted that Wave 2 has been selected for this year’s show at the Mall Galleries!
Renowned international poetry journal founded by Ezra Pound
Solo at Highgate Gallery N6